About Us

About KLAG

Kingdom Life Arena Global (KLAG) came about through a Mandate.

I am Apostle M.A Samuel, When God called me by his grace, he entrusted the light of the Word in me. I was overwhelmed by this grace. I experienced a remarkable encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Mandate was given and confirmed to me by the Holy Spirit on the 22nd
November 2018

Apostle M.A Samuel.

Founder – KLAG


The mission of KLAG is to Take over the seven mountains (Micah 4:1-3) by demonstrating God’s Power, love for everyone, through the teachings and preaching of His Word, Healing of the sick, deliverance from all sorts of affliction as well as hearing the mind of God, through His Servant Apostle M.A Samuel

Be rooted and grounded in the mysteries is the Kingdom(1 Corinthians 4:1)

Our Programs

Foundation School

Purpose - Vision - Influence - Salvation - Righteousness - Redemption - Fasting - Prayer - Deliverance

School of Ministry

We are a people, sent on a mission to reveal the mysteries of the Kingdom, we can’t fail God, we are a generation, send on a mission, to reveal the mysteries of the Kingdom, we can’t fail God, we can’t fail God and we can’t fail God.

Workers Training Sessions

Ministerial ethics and spiritual culture-The diligent Steward (Stewardship) - The trust dimension - The power of imagination - Understanding the authenticity of the vision

Holy Ghost School

Discipleship - Prophet’s Offering - Project’s Seed - Death to Self - The Spiritual man The wilderness journey - Fatherhood and Mentorship - Altar, Covenant and Sacrifice The Kingdom - Global Invasion